
Parent Involvement

Would you like to help our school? There are many ways in which you could help.

You could become a member of our governing body and help with making important decisions with the school as we move forward. Vacancies are advertised via parent mail.

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are always looking for active members to help with the many fundraising activities that they do over the year to help our school contact them by email at

We are always looking for volunteers to work in school, all of which would be subject to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and completing child protection training, as safeguarding our children is paramount. There are many different roles from helping in the classroom, listening to readers, helping with swimming in term summer term, supporting on school trips and running a Golden time activity once a half term.

If you have the time to commit to a half-day per week or have a bit of one off time contact Mrs Darroch by email

Parent Consultations

These take place each term. A consultation gives parents and teachers the opportunity to discuss the child's development at school in some depth. An annual written report is sent to parents towards the end of the summer term. If you wish to see a teacher at any other time regarding your child's education or welfare you are welcome to make an appointment with the teacher concerned. The best time for appointments is at the end of the school day. If you wish to see the Headteacher, please make an appointment through the school office.

We believe that, for the benefit of the child, it is important for there to be a partnership between parents and teachers. It is therefore very important that you contact the school to talk over problems and share concerns that you may have about your child at school or at home.

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