Personal Safety
Links for Pupils
Links for Parents/Carers
Please see the links below for information concerning personal and family safety issues.
Parent Partnership Service - A service for parents and carers of children with special educational needs.
- Child Accident Prevention Trust - Accident prevention for childcare workers and parents.
- Kidscape - Provides information for parents on bullying and keeping children safe.
- Parentline Plus - for anyone in a parenting role, including step-parents and those experiencing family change.
- The Suzy Lamplugh Trust - The leading authority on personal safety.
- NSPCC - if you are concerned about a child and do not know what to for the best, or if family or other pressures are putting a child in danger.
- Relate - A counselling service for relationship problems of any kind.
- Refuge - Domestic abuse advice.
See also the PSHE Curriculum page.
Back to Staying Safe page.