Growth Mindset
As part of our School Development Plan, one of our priorities is to focus on a whole school approach to developing a 'can do' culture for learning across all groups within our school.
Our Pupils Explain Growth Mindsets!
Welcome to PAT
This character helps the children at Barnabas Oley to consider Growth Mindset ideas. Each term we introduce a couple of the speech bubbles as the statements for the term. |
What is a Growth Mindset?
It is the opposite of a fixed mindset! A fixed mindset limits what we are prepared to try and often how much we can achieve. If we have a fixed mindset it is easy yo restrict ourselves to areas of our life in which we know we can succeed rather than these ourselves and learn new skills. A growth mindset is "the belief that with practice, perseverance and effort, people have limitless potential to learn and grow", Dr C Dweck.
Parents Information Evening
On 18th January 2018, parents attended a presentation on how we encourage Growth Mindsets at Barnabas Oley.