The Great Global Venture

The school developed a literacy project to provide opportunities for the children to write with a purpose. The plan was for the whole school to write a joint book, with each class producing their own chapter.

On the first Monday after the half term holiday Marion Leeper a story teller based in Cambridge came to the school to share stories with each class. She had prepared traditional stories for each country that the school were studying during the term. The children enjoyed the idea of having someone from outside to come and visit them in their classes.

The children were told that they would be writing their own parts for a school book. Each class completed a chapter for the book. The chapters are linked to the country which they have been studied by each class.

The class teachers have reported that the children enjoyed being part of the writing of their class chapter. Children raised their attainment levels in their writing as a result of having a clear reason for writing – writing for a purpose. The chapters been made into a book and printed for the children to buy and share with their families. The children also produced images to go in the book and for a display which has been be put up in the corridor in school.

Marion Leeper’s feedback to the school, after reading the final version of the book was very positive, she commented that; 'the project was really challenging and motivating for the children’ and 'the project was well-designed’

Anecdotal feedback from pupils and parents

  • The children shared a sense of pride in having written their own book.
  • Children were able to share the book with their parents, carers and wider families.
  • The project got everyone talking about books!
  • One student told his mum that he would like to write a book of his very own now.

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The Great Global Venture