Parent Survey
Parents’ Views 2021
As Governors of Barnabas Oley, we value the views of parents to inform our discussions and decisions about the strategic direction of the school. Each year we seek to gather parents’ opinions in a variety of ways and about a range of topics.
Last year we asked parents to respond to the question: ‘Does your child feel safe at school?’ Your responses were very useful. If you would like to read the summary of this survey and other ways we find out the views of parents, you can find it on pages 7 and 8 of the Governors Annual Report 2020/2021 sent to parents by email on 19 July 2021, or you can view the report on our school website.
This year we are asking parents another question, this time related to one of our key priorities in the school’s development plan: writing.
There are two questions on the survey:
- Are you aware of and do you understand the expectations for writing for your child’s year group?
- Do you know what support your child needs and how you can support your child with writing at home?
There is also an opportunity to write further comments.
Please complete the survey by the end of Tuesday 16 November.
We would be very grateful if you can take a couple of minutes to give us your views.
Vivien Corrie-Wing, Parent Governor