Scouts, Cub Scouts, Guides and Brownies



Brownies takes place on Tuesday evenings from 6.00pm to 7.30pm in the Barnabas Oley School Hall. Term-time only. Girls can join Brownies the term after they turn seven years old.

To register your interest in Brownies, visit the Girl Guiding website here. Click Parents and then click Register Your Daughter. Next, complete the online form.

This form should only be used once per girl to join Girlguiding. If your daughter is already a Rainbow, Brownie or Guide and wishes to move up to the next section please speak to your Leader for details.

Please contact Brown Owl, Nadine Santus for further information about Brownies. Brown Owl can also be contacted on Tel: 01767 677518.

The 1st Gransden Guides meet on Thursday evenings at the Reading Room in Great Gransden 7pm-8.30pm. Girls can join Guides from the age of 10. There is also a senior section.

Please contact Emily or Debbie at: tel: 01954 719345 or 07870 130188.

See also Girl Guiding.